SEO 2022: The Ultimate Guide to Top Search Engine Results [Updated]

SEO is the best way to get free and targeted traffic and thus more profits. After reading this guide, you will be able to easily top search engine results in 2020 despite the many updates that have been made.

 Whether you are one of the people who target the search engine Google or Bing, this comprehensive guide in the field of SEO will make you top the first results, this is the best place to learn SEO.

 What you will read today in the field of SEO you may not have heard about it and perhaps heard about it but did not try it, so all you will see in this guide we have tried it in various fields and different languages, whether it is Arab or foreign sites, you will be able to top the search engine Google as number # 1 and Bing as number # 2 Because each search engine has what distinguishes it from the other, and also the methods that we will use to top the Google search engine are not the same as those working in the Bing search engine.

In this SEO guide, we will focus primarily on the Google search engine, because it still has the largest share of searches in the world.

  Likewise, if you are a beginner and do not know anything in the field of SEO, you will be able to become a master in this field by simply reading this guide to the end and applying everything mentioned in it.

Before starting what is SEO?

SEO means preparing sites for Search Engine Optimization, or optimizing website pages according to the requirements of search engines so that they appear among the first results in search engine results such as Google, Bing and Yahoo. This depends on the factors that must be available on your site in order to rank well in the search engines.

Google did not fully disclose these factors, but by applying what we will explain to you today, you can reach the first ranks in search engine results.

  Now let's get to know the SEO secrets:

1- Artificial Intelligence and User Experience.

   In 2017, Google stated that artificial intelligence, or what is termed “RankBrain,” has become its third most important ranking factor. Not only that, with the beginning of the year 2020, the site marketer team noticed that "RankBrain" has become one of the factors responsible for ranking website pages in the Google search engine.

Well, what exactly is "RankBrain" and how do I optimize my website for the top of the Google search engine?

  RankBrain is an automated system that helps Google sort its search results. This system is based on several factors, the most important of which are: Dwell Time and CTR.

  The task of this system is to analyze and measure how users interact with the search results ... and to arrange website pages according to the user's interaction with the search results ...

Let me give an example to understand “RankBrain” in detail.

Let's say that the visitor searched for the word "Amazon Affiliate" and ignored the result # 1 and chose the result # 3, and the most amazing thing is that he stayed on the website for more than 5 minutes ...

Here's what happens: “RankBrain” will send signals to Google that score # 3 is the best result for the word “Affiliate Amazon”. After a week, The third rank will become number one in the Google search engine.
 Therefore, if you are interested in the SEO, you should focus more and more on “RankBrain”.

But do not worry, "RankBrain" is not a complicated thing, it depends on only two things, "How long the visitor will stay on your page and the CTR".

← How to make a visitor stay long on your site!

The method is very easy.

Go to YouTube and search for the best video related to the topic of your article, let's say, for example, you talk about “SEO and what are the best ways to get backlink.” Search on YouTube for the best sources for getting a high-quality backlink and add the video to your article (the video must be very valuable and useful in order to ensure that the visitor remains on your page).

Well, now we have ensured that the visitor will stay on my page for a long time. But first, how do I get him to click on my page in the Google search engine?

 You should know that all that the visitor sees in the search engine is the "title and description" so try to make them distinct in order to ensure that the visitor will click on your page and then you raise your "CTR" ...

← I advise you to read this article: What is CTR and how do I raise it in order to increase profits.

 If you are a WordPress user, I recommend you to add the "Yoast Seo" application, as it will enable you to modify the title and description on your website.

 In the event that you do not have experience in the field of "CopyWriting", I advise you to use the "Headline-Analyzer" website, as this website evaluates the title of your article / 100, so the more your title rating is more than 60% the better.

As you can see in this image,try to change the title more than once in order to ensure the best title!

You may not yet understand the importance of raising "CTR" in improving your ranking in the Google search engine. So watch this video!

Based on this study and Google's "RankBrain", "Page # 1" will top the search results. Therefore, dear reader, pay attention to what you mentioned because it is the basis of SEO in 2020!

2- Backlinks

  In the world of SEO, the end is only the beginning. Once you have finished writing the article, you should start creating strong backlinks as well as getting "Social-Signals", meaning posts, whether on Facebook, Twitter or Reddit ...

  Since 2012, all Google and Bing criteria have changed in ranking search results, but backlink has remained an important factor, especially in the Bing search engine. After many experiments, I noticed that the Bing search engine does not care much about the quality of backlink compared to Google! Ping cares more about number than quality, but this does not mean that you will spam the backlinks, otherwise your site will be punished ...

1- What is backlink?

 First, let's agree that the backlink is a group of links that point to your website and be on other websites, to convert the visitor of that website to your blog or website!

Good.. If the number of links is more and stronger, the more strength you add to your site in global search engines such as bing and yahoo, the most important of which is google .. it makes a difference between sites and is considered one of the most important criteria for climbing search results and reaching the top where the first results ...

An important point before starting: If a new website did not pass by two months ago, I do not advise you to build backlinks quickly, otherwise your website will become a source of doubts and this is not good for you. Therefore, the best solution I have found if your website has not yet two months old is to rely on "Social-Signals" first. After that, build one backlink to a maximum of two a day, during this period, play on the quality more than the number because this period will determine the fate of your site ...

 2- Build a backlink through Social Media and get "Social Signals"

 The best way to start is through the social media “Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest….”. In this way, you are guaranteed to get high-quality backlink as well as get traffic and “Social-Signals” which have become an important factor in search engines.

 The best websites to get high-quality backlink and traffic at the same time:

  • YouTube: If you can create visual content, YouTube will be the best platform for you to send signals to search engines as well as send very targeted, high-quality traffic, and most importantly, you will get a very valuable backlink.

  • Twitter: Twitter is the social network with the highest influence on the results of sites in search engines, specifically in seasonal searches that are related to a specific time, such as searches for live broadcasts, breaking news, series, talk shows, etc. And more importantly, the more your tweets are shared, the higher the quality of the backlink that you will get ... You can buy posts. The important thing is that the account that will do "Retweet" is somewhat old so that the search engines do not suspect you.

  • Pinterest: What do you think about getting a high-quality backlink and also ranking in Google Images search results? Two birds with one stone ... If you are interested, you can share your pictures on “Pinterest”. What distinguishes Pinterest from competing sites in the same field such as Instagram or Flickr is that it is internally optimized for search engine bots, which makes it more likely to appear in search results than other sites that are considered closed communities in which the bots do not move freely.

  • Medium: This website is in fact, not just for backlinking. You can also take advantage of the website “Medium” and rank search results in very difficult words such as “iPhone X Review” without having a website. This website enables you to write articles on it and bring backlinks to it. ... Therefore, I advise you to first write a high-quality article on your site that contains more than 1000 words, get traffic and "Social-Signals" from YouTube and Twitter ... Archive it in search engines. After that, go to "Medium", copy the important points in your article, make "anchor-text" for the word that you want to compete with for your website.
Now get backlinks, no matter what type ... for your article in "Medium" which contains backlinks for your site, archive your article in search engines so that the backlinks that your site will take are archived ... Wait two days, archive your site.

Let's say, for example, that I want to make this page top in search engines with the word “SEO” ...
 I will write an article of no more than 800 words in “Medium” and make an “Anchor Text” for my article for the word that I want to compete in which is “SEO”.

This method works very well, and most importantly, you will not be penalized, but on the condition that your article on "Medium" is not the same as your site.

  • TumblrSame principle on Meduim.

  • Pocket: Same principle on Pinterest.

  • Reddit: This platform is considered one of the best platforms in order to get fantastic traffic and high-quality backlink ... The more “Upvotes” are made for your site, the more backlinks you will get, so if you are one of the people who work in the field of viral and news, this platform is a treasure for you ... As I mentioned, the secret to getting "Upvotes" and visits to your website is to play with the emotions when you use the headlines.
  You can also create an account on Instagram and “Digg”…. In fact, there are endless ways to get a high-quality backlink for your site, so I will not be able to cover all the points in this article that talks about SEO in general, perhaps we will learn about all the methods in a comprehensive guide for backlinks only.

You should also know that in order to achieve good results in the field of SEO you will need special tools for SEO that will help you a lot in order to top the search results, the problem is that these tools are very expensive and may exceed $ 497 per month, so I advise you to read this guide of the best free SEO tools that Every marketer should use it!

3- Take care of the internal SEO of the site

 It is true that we mentioned backlinks before the internal SEO because of their importance, but without internal SEO, even if you have the best backlinks, you will not be able to produce the results of search engines. The internal SEO of the site is one of the most important factors that contribute to the top of the search results and appearing in the first ranks, and this includes a group of things we deal with in what follows:

First: Pay attention to the speed of the website

 The speed of the template for your site greatly affects the issuance of search results, and someone may ask now what is the relationship of the speed of the template to search results? The answer here is very simple, which is that you consider yourself as a visitor to a site and you find it very slow in loading and opening pages and images, so will you remain on this site?
 Certainly, you will get out of it, and the simplest example of this is your reading of this article, meaning that you continue to read until now, this means that the site is fast, otherwise I will not continue reading, and of course the fact that the site is slow this increases the rate of bounce for your site and thus will negatively affect the search results.

Second: Adding an attractive name and description to the blog

The name of the blog and its description are also important matters that it is a part of internal SEO optimization for the site. You can put a description and title for the blog by going to the settings, from which you choose the basic and so you write the title and description. If you use WordPress, you can use Yoast Seo. But if you use Blogger, you can do that as follows :

It is preferable to write a description for each post separately because this contributes greatly to the top of the search results, and you can do that in Blogger by opening the post that you want to add a description to and then choose the search description and write a description that summarizes the content of this post as in the following image:

Third: Increase the time that the visitor spends on the Session Duration

 Session Duration is to make the visitor stay on your site as long as possible, whether on the same page or on other pages. You should also try to write in a way that attracts the reader, in addition to adding pictures explaining what you present to the reader and finally putting in your articles links to other articles on your site that are related to the topic.

Fourth: improving the rate of bounce

 The bounce rate is one of the things that negatively affect any website and even prevent it from appearing in search results because search engine spiders determine the reliability of your site based on the bounce rate.
What is the bounce rate? What is meant by the bounce rate is the amount of time the visitor spent on your site, let's assume that the visitor entered the site and saw one page and then exited quickly, this means that the bounce rate is 100% and this is a very bad thing because the lower the bounce rate, the better for the site.

Tips to reduce your bounce rate:

  • Improve the writing style
  • Keep your content updated
  • Correctly target keywords
  • Paying attention to website layout and design
  • Speed up page load time
  • Make the site compatible with phones
  • Create waiting pages
  • The availability of credibility between you and the visitors
  • Make the website compatible with various browsers
  • Include topics similar to your own blog posts
  • Answer to all the questions that the visitor may ask in the article

Fifth: Interest in the site’s images

 It is not possible to underestimate the Google image search engine, through which many visitors come to your site, so always make sure to make your images on the site good and respectful and of high quality in addition to including the keyword in these images and reduce the size of the images in line with the site and to contribute to increasing the speed of your site. Also, I strongly advise you to use this site, as it will help you strongly reduce the size of the images by up to 70% without a decrease in the quality for free.

 Sixth: Adding your site to the Google search console

Webmaster tools help to analyze your site, evaluate the site’s performance and maintain its appearance in the search results. One of the most important advantages offered by webmaster tools is to help find problems for your site and start solving them, and this is very important because perhaps one of the problems is that hinders the emergence of your site in the search results.

4- Be a specialist

After the last update of Google in 2016, “Hummingbird” has left disastrous results for the famous sites such as Viral Nova and other sites that talk about everything ...

 This update has reduced the number of traffic these sites get from search engines ....
 The purpose of this update is to show the best result of the searcher, and after many analyzes done by Google, I discovered that the best results are always at specialized sites, so if you own a site specializing in one topic, you will notice that the traffic coming from Google increases day by day ... Provided that your article is professional with the number of backlinks ...

In the event that you want to become a professional SEO for the year 2020, you should dear to specialize in one area, as everyone says "Money in the niche".

  Despite the artificial intelligence that Google and Bing have reached, some help is needed ...

 For example, I will specialize in the field of "health" ...

 This is wrong, as the field of health is more than a niche, but if I say I will specialize in the field of "healthy foods", you do not have to talk about sports and other things, but only talk about foods. This is called niche ... There is also "Micro Niche" which is the best if we say that Health foods is the nich then "Nuts"is the Micro Niche. The more specialized you are, more better ...

Core Market> Sub market> Niche> Micro Niche

Even if you have the best backlinks with the best articles. Specialization has become a necessity in order to lead the search engines, especially Google.
 Ping hourly limits does not care much about the specialization, but it also depends on the domain name of the site in which the keyword is located.

 If you want to top the search engine bing, what you have to do is have a site with “Keyword” in the domain and high-quality backlinks with some “Social Signals”, this is what Ping is interested in now.

 I recommend you to follow this video, and follow "Neil Patel" if you are interested in SEO and generate search engine results.

In summary, specialize in one field and make it professionally and you will make a fortune from it.

5- Do your best

  After the recent updates to Google and Bing, it is no longer the same as the year 2012, creating an article with the keyword in the title and some words in the article and it's over, congratulations for you  # 1 in Google ...

In the year 2020, SEO has become somewhat complicated, it is not due to the number of articles on your site but by the quality of the articles on your site ...

But this matter is due to the quality of the article, as we mentioned in # 1 “Artificial Intelligence and User Experience,” this will only be done with a comprehensive and useful article.

The purpose of the quality of the article is for the visitor to stay as long as possible on your site, as well as not to go back and choose another result because this will affect you and your results in the search engines ...

  Well how do I write a great and comprehensive article?

  1. Search for your competitors in the search engines for the keyword you have chosen ...
  2. Read their articles.
  3. Fill in the blank in Article # 1 with the information you found in Articles # 2 and # 3.
  4. Log in to forums, and read what your audience is searching for ...
  5. Take the informations, add them to your article ...
  Well now, publish your article ... I guarantee you 80% that you will top score # 1 if you implement everything I mentioned in this article.
 But it's not over here, after you wrote a great title with high quality backlinks ... Now is the time to update ...
 If you watch the video above of "Neil Patel", you will easily understand the method ...

  1.  Go to the Google webmasters website.
  2. Go to "search-analytics", you will find it below "Traffic Search."

Now search for words that have a lot of “Impressions” but are late results

Add these words in your article, by delving into it more and why not make it a title in your article <H1>
After adding all those words you get many "Impression" in your article. Re-archive your site from here.
In this way, your article will be very comprehensive so that when the client accesses it, they will not need to search for another article. they got what they wanted ...
Important point: In case you have not created an article yet and want to do a keyword research, I recommend these sites to you:

6- SEO for phones and website speed

Imagine that you are getting free and targeted traffic for your Shopify or WooCommerce store, but once the potential customer logs in, they wait 10 seconds for the loading. Be sure that the visitor will close the page before the loading time ends, and thus no one will recognize you.

Therefore, the speed of your site is a necessity, and it may even be among the basic factors of Google. So if you are interested in SEO, pay attention to the speed of your site.

You can check out your site speed from us here: PageSpeed Insights

Yes, the reason is the revolution that the world has known, as phones have become everywhere and at any time and within the year 2025 the number will double more and more.

By the way, the best hosting, the best one in terms of speed and strength is “Bluehost”.

  The second reason is "Mobile-First Index", let me explain it to you.

A while ago, Google used to show search results according to the device that the researcher uses, and if they were using a computer, the results would be different from the results they would see if they were using the phone.

Now, that has changed... If you can top search results for mobile users, you will be able to automatically lead search results for computer users thanks to the "Mobile-First Index".

Therefore, even if your site is not fast for computer users, it will top search results if it is optimized for phones.

Well, how can I know if my site is compatible with mobile for better SEO?
  The method is very easy. Go to: “Google’s Mobile-Friendly test” and add your site.

If the green sign appears, your site is compatible with mobile devices.

The third reason that will make you focus on the Google search engine is that all phones are Android and they use the Google search engine as the # 1 option, and Google has also partnered with Apple in exchange for Google becoming the # 1 engine that appears to iPhone users, specifically Safari browser.

As a conclusion, Google has acquired 95% of the mobile market.

If you want to top the search results on the mobile phone, all content must appear in the mobile version, as well as page speed has become important in mobile SEO ...

Do not forget to show all content to phone users and never do "Read More" if you want to top search engines!

Important advice: Some expert in SEO added "Pop-Up" to his site in order to increase the conversion rate ... and here the disaster happened. He lost more than 40% of the visitors that he get from search engines. When I read the book "The Art of Seo" I discovered that Google hates "Pop-Up" and is punishing your site for that, dear marketer, beware of using "Pop-Up" on your site, especially after the visitor has entered directly ...

7- Rank 0 Featured Snippet

Featured Snippet, or Rank 0, has become the dream of all marketers in the world. You should know that the percentage of "CTR" in result number 0 can reach 65% at times and this means very tremendous traffic.
According to a study conducted by the "Semsursh" company specialized in SEO, more than 11.3% of search results are now available on "Featured Snippet".

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